Merchant Guild | RS join up

Merchant Guild | RS join up

Merchant Guild is a discord server for businesses in Rell Seas. It can also be considered a trading hub as well. Right now we are expanding our operation to other aspects. For example we are also teaming up with big newspaper people to help spread there news and also gather news for them to write about when the game drops. We are going to add more stuff to Merchant Guild. If you are interested in joining then dm me nick._.8 on discord and also look in my bio for the link to the server. Join Merchant Guild!

"> Merchant Guild is a discord server for businesses in Rell Seas. It can also be considered a trading hub as well. Right now we are expanding our operation to other aspects. For example we are also teaming up with big newspaper people to help spread there news and also gather news for them to write about when the game drops. We are going to add more stuff to Merchant Guild. If you are interested in joining then dm me nick._.8 on discord and also look in my bio for the link to the server. Join Merchant Guild!

[No due date] Request for proofreading my one-page motivation letter.

Hi everyone, I hope all is well.Would you be kind enough to assist me in proofreading my one-page cover letter? 🥺 I’d really appreciate your help! Apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you so much in advance!

Custom movie Shadow keyboards!

Custom movie Shadow keyboards!

App for keyboard: Facemoji spoiler cuz super movie shadow

Could I have been an SA survivor who’s been brainwashed by religion to keep quiet???? Long vent.

CW: religious trauma, mentions of PTSD, sexualization of a minor, narcissistic abuse, gaslighting Ever since I was little I would dissociate or resort to maladaptive daydreaming. They would be so intense that they would affect my ability to function in school. Teachers thought I had ADHD and Autism. No one stopped to think that maybe something happened to this little girl. I was failed by all the adults who were supposed to keep an eye out for symptoms of trauma. All the school system cares about is performance, they don't care about how a child is suffering which is probably why teachers aren't equipped to detect these things in children. When I was about 4, there was a firetruck demonstration and as soon as the sirens went off I panicked and ran away. The noise was too much. A teacher tried to force me to go back, but I fought back. A therapist I've been seeing told me that that can be a sign of PTSD with the fight-or-flight response. At that age, I also had terrible nightmares of kidnappings and of being taken to strange places. I would be so frightened that I would wet my bed until the age of 7. I didn't want to focus on reality. I couldn't as it was too painful, so I resorted to maladaptive daydreaming and dissociation as a way to cope. I was terrified of the future and what would be in store for me. There is a peculiar memory that truly sticks out to me. I realize that it is most likely derealization, which is a form of dissociation. My little 4-year-old self was walking with my mother somewhere before my mind switched over to a white house or two during the middle of the day. There were barely any windows on the houses from what I can remember. It was blurry and felt dreamlike, yet it felt too real to be a dream. I was confused as a child as to whether or not this was a dream or a memory. The same therapist told me this can also be a sign of trauma. I had, and still do, severe religious trauma due to my mother bringing up demons and hell and the notion of Satanists who would whisk away children for sick rituals. I was only 5 when she brought this up. I was already frightened of the world. I was terrified of God and how he would hurt me if I didn't act or think a certain way. I was too scared of doing the wrong thing and felt I was inherently bad due to the concept of original sin. This was all told to me after I had those symptoms of trauma, so it just added more fuel to the fire and I was not only afraid for my life but also my salvation. I never felt true peace as a child, the only peace I ever felt was through my imagination and through blocking things out of my subconscious, albeit unwillingly at times. When I turned 6, I had the compulsion to draw nude women all the time. I don't know what sparked it, but I would always do it in secret. My mother was angry at me and started to shame me about it. That just made the compulsion even worse. I would reenact sexual themes with my Barbies and would look through fashion magazines for nude models. Sometimes the sexual play with the Barbie dolls would involve a man and a woman, but most of the time it would involve two women. I would also draw nipples on my Barbies. I convinced myself I liked it despite it causing me so much distress. I also had sexual dreams at that age as well. I think the dream that most stood out to me was of Ariel the Little Mermaid. She would be crying naked in her grotto while her father would look at her and laugh before swimming away. Other dreams would also involve a man abusing a woman and she would always have her top off. I would see animals that weren't there by the time I reached the age of 8. It went away after a while. At the age of 9, I started developing breasts and would try to dress all scantily clad. My mother would get angry at me and then shame me. However, while I was in a dressing room, my mother made a sexual comment about my breasts and proceeded to call them cute. She whispered it so other women couldn't hear what she said. This made me very uncomfortable and I threw a huge fit. She proceeded to act like I was overreacting. My mother would introduce me to sex-ed by having me watch movies with sex scenes in it. She would talk about how wrong it is without marriage. She didn't even use the proper anatomy to describe sex. She still used the term "peepee", which makes me fucking cringe. >!I also had a dream about putting my mouth on my father's genitals with my mother in the room. I was around the same age when my mother taught me about sex.!< When I was 12/13, I was put on a heavier dose of ADHD medication. I was medicated since I was 8 years old, but doctors really upped the dose to help me focus. I thought lack of focus was just a hallmark of ADHD, I didn't know it could be part of C-PTSD with dissociative symptoms at the time. I never suspected I had trauma. I just thought there was something inherently wrong with me. That was what I was taught to believe through religion. That I was inherently bad and wrong no matter what I did. My father would verbally abuse me and hit me at times when he'd come feeling stressed from work. It wasn't long before other kids were talking about sex and how interested they were in it. I was still stuck as the same scared little who was uncomfortable with my body and my sexuality. I didn't understand it at the time. Being friends with some people who had rape fantasies didn't help with it either. I would sit there and ask myself "Why is everyone else so normal, but I am not?" I tried speaking to my mother but nothing would go through to her. I couldn't have a normal conversation with her about sex and sexuality without her making it about purity or religion. The last time I told her how my inhibition bothered me was in middle school. She flipped out and went on a tangent about how I couldn't possibly feel such sinful desires without being in love with someone and then went on and on about how the porn industry is evil and is run by Satanists that sacrifice babies. I had no other female adult role models in my life. I had to be stuck with a deranged woman who was possibly hiding something from me. I'll get that part in a moment. In response to this, I fell into a deep depression, not realizing this was due to repression of my sexuality. I threw myself into what was my only escape this time: the internet and homework. Stimulants caused me to focus too much on reality and I wasn't able to daydream like I used to anymore. This was my reality and I felt like I couldn't escape, so I looked to the two things I thought I knew how. I tried attending therapy groups, but none of them seemed to work for me. They only focused on CBT therapy as if I could magically cure this ailment. I fell into an even deeper depression because I felt like there was no helping me. I gave up. I was a teenager who felt lost and missed out a lot on my years developing into a woman. I didn't realize I was running away from something painful. It wasn't long before I started going through psychosis as my insomnia was starting to take hold of me. I couldn't sleep for five days in a row each week. My nightmares became more vivid and I started seeing things out of the corner of my eye. They involved shadow people and dead, rotting corpses. I was frightened and thought I was going crazy. Everything was scary. I was living a nightmare and the best part of all was I was taught that I brought this on myself. During this time I identified as asexual even though it depressed me. Some years pass and I am at the age of 19. I got bullied and this caused my mental health to spiral even more. I felt very depressed and suicidal. I almost got admitted. Looking back, I wish I'd done something drastic enough to land me in a psych ward because I feel like I would have gotten to correct diagnosis. It would take many more years before I'm given the correct kind of help. It wasn't long before my parents decided I should ween myself off of medication, but I still wasn't sleeping enough and would be up almost all week. My mother was only willing to offer to let me see a Christian therapist at the time as I couldn't afford my own therapist. She made my mental health worse and proceeded to tell me that all mothers give out mixed messages and it was normal that my mom was doing that to me. It was my main complaint about her. My therapist offered to text my mother and ask her to come to therapy with me. In response, my mother threw a fit and said she's not mentally ill or has an addiction so she doesn't need therapy. I asked her if she thought everything was my fault and she proceeded to say yes while crying hysterically. Since then, my mother made it a point to make fun of my weight and get the family to torment me. I started binge eating as a way to cope. I even told my mother, in my early 20's, that I was still hallucinating. My mother grinned at the knowledge that I was still suffering. She would proceed to talk in a loving voice so she would not come across as evil. It wasn't long until I was put on Trazodone, which really helped me catch up on sleep. I still can't fall asleep without it as my nervous system is so out of wack. I wouldn't stop hallucinating though until my mid-twenties. I tried to make sense of why sexuality bothered me so much, but the therapists I was seeing didn't give me any straightforward answers. I quit seeing them as they were CBT therapists and they managed to make my mental health worse. A few years went by, and I went to see a psychodynamic therapist for my autism and the first thing I spoke about were the issues with my mother. I complained about her mixed messages once again. I also mentioned how I'm repressed sexually and how it bothered me. He told me it was most likely because I'm still that scared little girl who is afraid to grow up. He thought my mother's comments on my developing body were creepy. Eventually, my mother's antics became too much, and I proceeded to call her out. That was a big mistake as she gathered up the family to accuse me of having false memories implanted in my head by the therapist that I was seeing. She even got my father to look up a list of psychiatric wards to throw me in and threatened to have my therapist disbarred. When that didn't work, they tried blaming it on my ADHD and my autism, and then told me that I was being misled by the devil. My mother told me she couldn't help it because I was a complicated child and proceeded to go on and on about how she gave up her career for me. Ever since then, I feel like I've gotten nowhere with therapy because I became obsessed and hypervigilant with my narcissistic mother. I would watch and make notes of whether or not she would try to up those antics with me again. I was finally able to move out of that house. A few years have passed by again and my therapist told me that I've shown symptoms of Complex-PTSD with dissociative symptoms, but I didn't want to believe it at the time. I should have taken that as a queue to look for a different kind of therapist. I tried getting a boyfriend, but that didn't work out as I was still stuck mentally young and sex felt icky and gross. Everything I did felt mechanic. When it came to sex, the pain was too intense. I've had a growing cyst since I was 15, and my family and my doctors ignored it. I was 19 when I started feeling pain in my clitoris and other parts of my pelvic region. Nothing about it turned me on. It all felt gross and I hated every second of it. I hated being sexualized. More years pass, and I start to develop feelings for this other person. They ended up having to leave due to money issues. They had feelings for me too. The only problem was this person happened to be a Satanist at the time and I thought I got over my religious trauma after doing some studying, but I didn't because right when they showed sexual interest in me I panicked. He also went through trauma and has DID with a sexual alter. I had all these panic attacks about being sexually abused when he did nothing of the sort. I was scared of being touched and it caused my body to recoil. I started regressing into a terrified little girl. I don't know if it's only because of narcissistic abuse and religious trauma or if it's because of some sexual trauma that I'm not aware of. I think the worst flashback I had was when I was sexualized on Reddit by a creep in the dm's. >!He proceeded to say "The fact you were a toddler makes me leak precum" and that just jumpstarted into a whole somatic flashback.!

Jinjer - Duél (2025)

Undersoul M12 Soul Plate 1 year update

need math aa ai ideas ASAPPPPP!!

im super late with my ia proposal and our drafts are due by the end of february... im really skilled at trigonometry and my teacher propsed i do something regarding hyperbolic trigonometry but i am not super sure what I could do with that to show personal engagement?? NEED HELP PLEASE GUYS

Please help me out

I was spraying holy water in my room over a week ago and when I came to a corner of my room dedicated to one of my favorite hobbies, a thought told me multiple times to stop doing that hobby of mine. After the last thought, I did cross myself and it disintegrated, but the thought didn't come from me. In fact, it was very similar to the Holy Spirit. A day later, I wanted to let go of that hobby and I could feel the Holy Spirit encouraging me, and I felt free, but then I realized that it actually means and I started to suffer. Also, the freedom that I experienced did not feel like the spiritual freedom that I experienced in the past; it felt different. I was very confused, I had trouble sleeping a few nights and was even starting to feel detached from God (even while praying, it felt like I wasn't praying to God). I have cried a lot and I still suffer a lot. During this, I ask myself whether it truly was God who instructed me or if the devil led me away and I have many very strong arguments for both sides. I understand that God grants us to suffer sometimes, as he did with Job, and suffering also purifies the soul, but there is this acrimonious, despair-filled, almost disgusting vibe around me (especially when I think about my situation). I'm so confused and sad. Everytime I affirm to myself that it was God who instructed me, I feel at peace, but then I start to actually consider what that actually means and the arguments possibly against that. I was also at a church last week praying about this to God and praying many things that I had to pray regarding this problem, and I felt at peace while praying, despite shedding some tears. I have spiritual attacks sometimes too. Last week, I also sprinkled holy water around my room again and when I came to the corner in my room dedicated to my hobby, I was intensively praying the Jesus Prayer before, during, and after sprinkling the holy water there. I didn't have those thoughts again this time. To be clear, I don't think I'm committing idolatry towards this hobby because of the fact that often in the past when I wanted to do it, I instead prayed or watched YouTube and I don't think about it nearly as often as I used to. I have asked a few people about this, but it still bothers me greatly. I often think, reconsider, argue with myself about this topic and I've also prayed a lot. I'm just so confused and sad, please help me out here.

Did Bonds juice up a little for the All Star weekend?

There was a period when he was heavy into road cycling he looked much leaner and smaller. Know it's not related to the warriors but Bonds has been part of whole thing all star weekend. Any case, I've said all along if Bud Selig is in the Hall so should Bonds.

Ushering in the Era of a 1,000-km Driving Range for Electric Vehicles! DGIST Has Successfully Developed High-Capacity High-Safety Anode Materials - Asia Research News


I’m a bit confused on where you can buy mocha. I have seen some online but they claim to be custom. I saw someone get an official one though? Is it just not out yet? Is she exclusive to a certain store?

Start this morning with me.

Start this morning with me.

Remember when we talked about storm chips?

Aspect of Ifrit.

New Guild. Members needed. Any GP, Discord is a mandatory. We're part of a three guild Alliance. Send an Officer a message to get it started. Hope to see you there!


Admit it, you can’t say no to me.

Who should I level up for Ranked

I just got into Mythic and now people are banning brawlers I have leveled up so which ones should I max out next, I don't have many tanks or assasins and just started playing melodie although I'm not that good at tanks but willing to learn

"> I just got into Mythic and now people are banning brawlers I have leveled up so which ones should I max out next, I don't have many tanks or assasins and just started playing melodie although I'm not that good at tanks but willing to learn

Vic who?

Has anyone been to Sappe?

I'm curious if anyone has been to the Thai spot [Sappe]( and what your take is. Ratings here for reference: * Google - 4.8 / 5 * Opentable - 4.7 / 5 * Yelp - 4.3 / 5 * Infatuation - 8.2 / 10

Rate My Logo

Union local needs new logo.

My favorite quote from people I've shown it to:

"I don't hate the union when I look at it"

"> Union local needs new logo. My favorite quote from people I've shown it to: "I don't hate the union when I look at it"


Keeping up with the 00 line up

290795664692 yveltal

Introducing a new way to meet your weight loss goals: compounded GLP-1 injections from Weight Loss by Hims, starting at $165/mo w/12mo plan paid in full.

Introducing a new way to meet your weight loss goals: compounded GLP-1 injections from Weight Loss by Hims, starting at $165/mo w/12mo plan paid in full.

My shoes are doing well

What is a genuinely insane history fact/trivia?

button up i made from vintage fabric

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